DAYLIGHTING RIVERS has developed a learning methodology based on Inquiry Based Learning that helps teachers in the implementation of the project with the class and offers methods (brainstorming, experiments, research activities, analysis etc.) and tools (scientific instruments, kits for environmental analysis, digital mapping technologies etc.) for enhancing learners’ interest towards STEM through investigations concerning their local rivers. You can download the methodology guidelines that explain the concepts and the tools of the project as educational pillars and the circular flow of the actions for its implementation with the class.
DAYLIGHTING RIVERS was implemented by three pilot schools (Scientific Lyceum Sensale, Nocera Inferiore – Italy, 1st General Lyceum of Rafina – Greece, IES Espinosa – Murcia, Spain) which tested the methodology and the learning units developed by teachers, scientists and professionals.
More schools have used our materials for participating in the international competition “Schools in Action for Daylighting Rivers”.
You can read more about the pilot experiences in their national webpages.
Training resources for teachers
During the project teachers were trained on the technological tools promoted by the project: the use of QGIS for Geographic Information Systems analysis and ARIS for the development of Location based Games. Training materials are available from the bottoms here and from the webpage Technologies.
Evaluation surveys
In order to develop more efficient and effective learning modules, DAYLIGHTING RIVERS measures the teachers’ and students’ skills, prior knowledge and competences and assess their level of curiosity in relation to the thematic of the project, before and after the project implementation. This survey allows to chart skills, competencies and knowledge; relate these to the school curriculum; identify what the project will offer to the students, and at which extent they are willing to participate. The questionnaire for teachers enables also to chart competences, school subjects involved for transversal learning, and identify the objectives they want to reach.
The impact of the modules implementation on students’ interest and motivation toward science and efficacy of learning units is also assessed, before and after the implementation.
So, if you consider applying the educational resources, please consider these surveys to be done before and after any project implementation. The questionnaires are in English.
Survey on students’ competences and interests: https://forms.gle/NSdJyDHyase3e6GP6
Survey on the on attitude toward STEM https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdaAlJtkNCbsCvtpvRnb-JJ-J8klMSV6e1XiAil5rDykgHUgQ/viewform
Survey on students’ career decision making https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdxXKDh9tR5FhBvhwvzApCPymq1CeBkTKEZ3nGU6pwikJT40A/viewform
Teachers’ survey on competences and interests https://forms.gle/QuoJ2XU77V2UbWZk6
Teachers’ survey on teaching efficacy https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeq-OlJcqVzRkEX1sKP-KwbJHFzo2fJi8LlVsxo5bdQD6S0sw/viewform
Teachers’ survey on teaching effectiveness https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScTM4W4tyhpWTAfptunSbv4SQBW59WEVEQZ42JT4agRhdKpqw/viewform